Personal Vision


I envision the Lord using me as a Pastor of a local Church to lead people to make a Kingdom impact locally, nationally, and globally.

Calling Statement

To give my life as a Living Sacrifice by

  • Growing through daily spiritual disciplines of reading God’s Word, prayer, personal worship, and journaling.
  • Living a missional lifestyle that prays and seeks to share the Gospel everywhere I go.
  • Serving my family and community of faith through prayer, equipping them; to grow spiritually, in serving others, and sharing their faith.
  • Living the most authentic life I can by living out the biblical “One Another’s” in my family and community of faith.

Biblical Purpose

I exist to have a deeper communion with God so that my life reflects the character of Christ and my obedience to Him.

Personal Values

Faith: As one of my spiritual gifts, I wholeheartedly believe that the Lord will supply all my needs and the needs of my family.

Family: I believe that the first ministry of every believer is the family.

Obedience: I believe that we should follow Christ at all costs because that is what He desires and deserves.

Leadership: As one of my spiritual gifts, I believe I must continually learn and grow by attending seminars, WCA Leadership Summit, read books, and utilize any other avenues that will help me become a better leader.

Authenticity: I believe that the Lord helps me grow as I am authentic with others so that accountability can happen.

Personal Growth: As a follow of Christ, I am committed to growing personally and professionally. This growth takes many forms as I learn more about and practice the different spiritual disciplines, read books, and listen on online sermons and teachings.

Passion: I believe that we are to live our life with passion; passion for the Lord, our spouses, families, and the Church, God’s redemptive tool for this world.

Relationships: I believe that this life was not meant to live alone, and that life change happens in the context of a relationship. That is why I strive to gather people around me for accountability and support.

Professional Values

Missional: I believe that the only cure for human sinfulness is a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. I desire to not only develop and release people who will impact the world with this message through long and short term mission projects and through local and global church planting. But, to encourage and challenge people that we are all called and sent to share the Good News of Jesus Christ.

Spiritual Formation: I believe that each follower of Christ is on a lifelong journey and that our lives are filled as we spend regular time with God through a multitude of spiritual disciplines.

Ministry of the believer: I believe the church functions best when every believer offers their God-given spiritual gifts in ministry. Discovering, developing, and using our unique spiritual gifts will result in greater purpose and meaning in our life.

Authentic Worship: I believe that the Lord deserves our very best in worship. Cultivating a lifestyle of worship is a priority, and gathering for worship will be fun, creative, and a lifting experience that will help us gain a fresh perspective.

Prayer: I believe that God is calling every follower of Christ into a vibrant prayer adventure. Growing a life of prayer is a priority in the journey of spiritual growth beyond the cross.

Community: The Bible mentions so many “one another’s” that I’m wholeheartedly committed to nurturing authentic relationships within the Body of Christ. The Christian life was never meant to be lived in isolation; we need each other for encouragement, support, and affirmation.

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