Daniel Fast Day #4

Well, Day #4 would be Thursday. The reading yesterday was about a dream that the King of Babylon had and then Daniel told the King the dream and then interpreted it.

What I found most interesting in this passage was two things:
1. The opportunity for Daniel to serve and share God.
2. The kings response

First, Daniel leaned into the opportunity when it came. He was bold, and yet was not offensive. He pointed all toward the God of Heaven and gave little credence to his humanness (he knew his place before God – the true definition of humble). He took little, or no credit on his abilities. He trusted God emphatically.

Second, the Kings response to Daniel and what God revealed through him was praise to God. The King had a realization that the other gods were worthless. The only God who could do what HE did was the God of Heaven.

When we lean into the opportunities God gives us. Do not lean into our own abilities, serve and share with boldness (not being offensive and a know-it-all); God will honor that and people will recognize the God of Heaven and the Salvation HE offers.

May we be a people who trusts Jesus and the mission HE has for us. May we be faithful to the message and always trust HIM for the results.

Be bold – serve and share Jesus with someone today and pray for an open door for you to invite them to Grace Church or better yet: Jesus!

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